
Deploy your Nuxt Application to DigitalOcean infrastructure.

Nuxt supports deploying on the DigitalOcean App Platform with minimal configuration.


  1. Create a new DigitalOcean app following the guide.
  2. Next, you'll need to configure environment variables. In your app settings, ensure the following app-level environment variables:
  3. You will need to ensure you set an engines.node field in your app's package.json to ensure DigitalOcean uses a supported version of Node.js:
      "engines": {
          "node": "20.x"
  4. You'll also need to add a run command so DigitalOcean knows what command to run after a build. You can do so by adding a start script to your package.json:
      "scripts": {
          "start": "node .output/server/index.mjs"
  5. Finally, you'll need to add this start script to your DigitalOcean app's run command. Go to Components > Settings > Commands, click "Edit", then add npm run start
Your Nuxt app should be live at a DigitalOcean generated URL and you can now follow the rest of the DigitalOcean deployment guide.

Learn more

Head over Nitro documentation to learn more about the digitalocean deployment preset.